A truly groundbreaking solution

Every so often in agency life an opportunity comes along to get involved in something that has the potential to make a real difference. At Livelink, we’re in the middle of that moment right now.
At the tail end of last year, we were invited to launch a revolutionary digital Health and Wellbeing platform, Amaven, which helps teachers, personal trainers and healthcare professionals to deliver personalised Physical Activity programmes to all age groups. The more time we’ve spent on this project, the more we’ve learnt and the more it has engaged us.
We are undoubtedly living through an obesity crisis but the extent to which it is affecting young children is quite shocking. Reports this week state that 10% of children starting primary school are obese, with this figure doubling in the space of just five years and reaching 20% by the time the children are ready to move on to secondary school.
And it’s not just what they eat – although we face an ongoing onslaught of media coverage about the dangers of too much sugar, fizzy drinks and fast food etc. – it’s about lack of exercise and lack of direction in current physical education.
In the language of our teachers and education experts, we’re talking about physical literacy. As relevant as numeracy and literacy, physical literacy supports our health and well-being: It helps each child to develop his or her skills and confidence, providing a vital piece of the jigsaw that allows an individual to grow up with the capability to advance both mentally and physically. At the moment, there is no way of measuring improvement in our schools when it comes to physical education.
We’ve been working with renowned PE and healthcare professionals at Amaven to improve standards in schools, introducing a platform which allows them to deliver exercises, understanding and motivational programmes in an easy-to-use online software. The platform also allows teachers to measure and track pupil performance in physical activity throughout each key stage.
Already successfully trialed in a selection of UK schools, early results show an average improvement of almost 30% for balance, co-ordination and physical fitness for the primary school children who took part in the pilot programmes.
At Livelink, we’re throwing everything at this. We’ve helped to develop the actual platform itself as well as providing a full service offering comprising scoping, specification, web development and digital marketing. Our on-going marketing services will include email marketing, copywriting, search, social and media relations as we work with the directors of Amaven to give it the opportunity to reach its widest audience, quickly and most efficiently.
For a young child, physical exercise can be exhilarating and tremendous fun. Introduce a child to physical exercise, make it a good habit and part of the daily routine, and you give that child the foundation to be the best that they can be, in all walks of life. It’s been a very positive experience for all of the team in Livelink…
…We’re all exercising a bit more for a start!