Copernica triggered emails doubles revenues for CPL

Summer might have been a wash out for most of us – particularly those of us who chose to holiday on home shores ! – but one of Livelink’s most loyal customers, CPL Distribution, has enjoyed an extremely hot summer with 'Copernica for Drupal' giving its sales team a warm glow and raising the temperature on the UK’s largest solid fuel distributor’s bottom line.
Rewind to the end of April. CPL was using Campaign Monitor and suffering for its pains with falling subscriber rates and poor conversions. Fast-forward four months to the end of August and one of its e-commerce sites, Coals2U has enjoyed a 110% increase in revenue from e-marketing campaign sales compared to August of last year. That’s a pretty significant hike in anyone’s book and if you take on board that we are talking about selling solid fuel products in the summer months – traditionally the hardest - you can see why we’re feeling pretty pleased with ourselves... and Copernica, of course.
Coals2U has enjoyed a 110% increase in revenue from e-marketing campaign sales compared to August of last year.
Solid figures like the ones produced in the last few months for CPL –
- 39% of customers opening the emails
- 35% of customers completing the online surveys
- 8% conversion on abandoned checkout
- 14% conversion on anniversary of purchase
- 8 % conversion on re-engagement
- Whopping 40% conversion on loyalty emails
- should work wonders for our prospects who have been considering our marketing automation system, Copernica. The proof is in the pudding and we will be making sure they all have a large spoon of it so be sure to watch this space...