Elliott Modular Buildings wanted to increase the number of leads it was generating while providing a fully responsive website that would improve the user journey and allow better access to the large volumes of information currently stored on the existing website.
The task at hand...
- The use of best practices such as ‘register for downloads / case studies’ to exchange all rich content provided to visitors with an email address to be placed into an automated lead nurture campaign
- The best user experience on all web enabled devices
- A series of automated marketing campaigns.

There have been six times more brochures downloaded and enquiries made compared to the same time the previous year, indicating that the email marketing strategy introduced by Livelink, and the sophisticated design of the website, has helped to generate new business, as well as offering a high return on investment.
Click here to visit the Elliott website.
The bottom line. Number of leads generated has increased by 15%
It’s great to have a tailored site that is designed to allow the visitor to find any significant information easily and quickly. It looks sleeker and we expect the wide selection of downloadable documents will give us a great opportunity to court would-be customers.